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meet the Apsley Farms team

working for a thriving, forward-looking business

our departments

Apsley Farms are very lucky to have an exceptional team covering all aspects of what we do here. At the start of our project in 2011 we had one employee, and now have a team of over sixty full time staff involved in our family business!

  • Farming Team

    Over ten people to cover not only the harvesting and spreading of digestate on our farm but also other farms who we have contracts with. Our harvesting is made up of three forager drivers, six trailer drivers and a manager.
  • Electrical and Programming

    All achieved in house by six highly skilled operatives who will often be faced with daily challenges in the running of the plant. Having an in-house team allows us to create code on site, fix bugs and identify faults more efficiently. We have also built our own web portal allowing better insights into time tracking, fuel monitoring, gps tracking, weighbridge data, health and safety and asset management.
  • Maintenance Team

    Always very busy as they go about being as proactive as possible, fixing or repairing and occasionally creating when they have time. With a new heated workshop encouraging a productive environment, and regularly updated confined spaces certificates they are ready for any task.
  • Haulage Team

    Using seven of the new gen Scania R450 tractor units. We have a variety of trailers including Knapen walking floors which are normally loaded using one of two Liebherr diggers in 7 minutes. 30m3 Vacuum tankers, CO2 tankers, a grain trailer and a Low loader With 13 Class 1 or C+E HGV drivers in the team and 7 of them with a full ADR ticket, the team are use to jumping between the jobs to fulfil the yearly swings in activity.
  • Marketing Team

    Marketing create the content for the various social media platforms, making photographs say a thousand words!
  • Engineering Team

    The engineers have mastered the way we are able to maximise the capital available and deliver a great retention time in our digesters, whilst making sure each bug is happy and warm!
  • Mulch Sales

    The mulch sales department have their own office enabling superb advice to be given on all gardening related questions. Sales pitches are legendary! “I can make you look like a gardening god in 20 minutes by using our mulch”! They manage a team of delivery drivers with their Iveco vans and trusty cranes, who hope to get a glowing review on Google with their name on it. All this whilst doing their best to deliver each bag to exactly where the customer wants it.
  • Accounts Department

    All are well established, and have developed powerful systems enabling the company to easily monitor financial performance and price variances, from year to year, helping us to check invoices and keep our suppliers, growers and customers happy.

some apsley perks

Working for Apsley Farms isn’t your average 9-5 job, and ‘The Apsley Way’ is to encourage all our staff to embrace many of the other parts of life here, building a community, not a workplace.

  • Tennis Club

    We have a well attended regular weekly tennis club and socials and a yearly subscription to Andover Tennis Club for all staff. We have coaching evenings, friendly practice sessions and (mostly friendly) tournaments!
  • Gardening Club

    The very nature of what we do means we have a huge number of keen gardeners from the smallest patio to full allotments. We share tips, plants and seed swaps and even have veg or flower growing competitions.
  • Pub (Club?)

    Work hard, play hard. Yes, like most, we enjoy a good natter in the local - we are lucky enough to have a plethora of excellent pubs in our area, and our teams make full use of them.
  • Join Us!

    To find out more about working with us and current vacancies go to the links below